About Drug Tests

We’re a group of dedicated people helping to promote passing drug tests. We hope to shed some light on how to pass drug tests, the best methods (abstaining from drugs), plus the employers that test for pre-employment.
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About drug tests? A drug test is is used for signs of one or more illegal or prescription drugs in a sample of your urine, saliva, blood, hair, or sweat. The purpose of a drug test is to look for drug use and misuse. This could include any illegal drugs such as marijuana, cocaine or other narcotics.
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Cheat Drug Tests!

Learn how to pass any drug test

Get up to date information on how to detox and cleanse to pass any drug test!

What People Say

People looking for new jobs are now held up a they try to pass drug tests. Companies need new-hires but are about to lose great employees due to antiquated drug testing methods.

Scared out of my wits taking a urine test for a job I was applying for and thankfully found the information about drug testing at this business which helped calm my nerves... and I passed!

~ Anonymous

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Editorial Team

We’re the brave people putting out information about how to pass drug tests.

Nick Clarkson Writer and Editor

Nick Clarkson


Rebecca Stephens Lab Tech

Rebecca Stephens

Lab Tech / Writer

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